Plants For Good Luck

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A home without plants? No thanks. I've even fallen for the little fake plants you can get at IKEA – those are pretty darn realistic aren't they?
Indoor plants make any home feel warm and inviting, especially the green and healthy ones!

Plants and greenery help bring the outdoors in and that soothes our souls. We love to be surrounded by nature because it boosts our mood. If you've heard of forest bathing you know what I mean.

People believe that in the place it grows it brings good fortune and good luck. It is also believed that happiness and prosperity increase as it grows and is an important part of Feng shui. Lucky bamboo plants come from China and Taiwan the most. The most serene, big, and decor-worthy plants have to be palms. And the best place to keep this would be a place from where everyone enters the house, i.e., from your house entrance. Palms make one of the best good luck plants for front door decor and is always welcoming your guests, happiness, luck, with freshness. Garlic is generally considered as a good luck plant and is used extensively in TCM for it's natural healing attributes. In ancient times, it plays a prominent role during the period of the Dragon boat festival. It also has a symbolic association with a rich family's progeny.

But you don't have to bring all the plants inside your home. Just enough of those little green devils to clean the air and soothe your vibe.

Which plants are lucky for the home?

It turns out plants are also really helpful if want more luck or wealth at home. Let's face it, who doesn't?

Want to up your the calm vibe and soothe your inner beast? Need to keep the abundance flowing, not to mention the coin?

Next time you head to your favorite big box store, take a look at the plant section. It's a great way to find feng shui plants for wealth at a budget price.

Every time I go into Lowe's I make a beeline for the house plants. I've been known to rescue those poor little sad plants on the clearance table. Just my mini mission to save the world, one plant at a time!

What is the meaning of feng shui

By the way feng shui is basically a Chinese term for wind water or energetic flow. The goal is to balance the natural energies of wood, metal, air, water, earth and fire. Sounds like a 70s soul band doesn't it?

When the energy in your home is balanced, your home will feel balanced and steady. Good vibes only.

Plants are considered wood elements. So although you may be tempted to cram as many pots into your house as you can carry home, keep it balanced. You don't want to overpower your home's energy with wood. You might get splinters ha ha.

Wood elements like plants need to be balanced with air, water, earth and fire so keep that in mind when you're picking out your home decor.

Feng shui divides your home up into sections and here's the important one for us, the wealth area.

As you walk in the door, the back left or southeast corner of a room or your home is considered the wealth area.

1. JADE PLANT – Money plant

  • There's a reason you see Jade plants in every Chinese restaurant. They're considered 'money trees' because the leaves look like coins. Place a jade plant in your wealth area and watch your health and abundance grow.
  • Prefers 4 hours of sun so place in a sunny south facing window. Keep watered well in spring and summer. Water less frequently during fall and winter months.


  • Another plant favorite in Chinese restaurants. Place 8 stalks in your wealth area and 9 for a boost of luck anywhere in the home.
  • Place the bamboo stalks in jar or glass. Make sure the roots are covered with fresh water. Be sure to change the water often so it doesn't get cloudy.

3. GOLDEN POTHOS – Devils Ivy

  • The pothos plant is incredibly easy to maintain, and its easy growing vines thrive where other plants can't. If your pothos is dying, it means there's negative energy in that space you need to fix. Pothos is also known to 'cure' a problematic bathroom/toilet.
  • Tolerates low to bright light. Water well but let dry out in between. Leaves will turn yellow if over-watered.
  • Home Depot carries a 6 in hanging basket pothos which you'll need, because pothos grow like crazy!

4. MONEY TREE – Pachira aquatic

  • As the name says, this tree brings good fortune, positive Chi energy and money. Place it in the wealth area of your home.
  • Prefers medium to bright light but not full sunlight. Water deeply but let dry out in between.
  • If you're having a hard time finding the money tree plant, Home Depot has a 2-pack to get you started. Pilea are also sold as Chinese Money trees but this is the traditional plant you want.

5. PEACE LILY – Spathyphyllum

  • The peace lily soaks up harmful allergens and volatile compounds like a sponge. Wherever you put it, a pothos will make your home healthier because it absorbs negative energy!
  • Tolerates low light areas. Place the peace lily in a bathroom or kitchen area because it likes high humidity. May get brown tips if your tap water has a lot of fluoride or chemicals.


  • Treasured for it's healing properties, aloe vera has long been known as a therapeutic plant that cleanses the air around it. The ancient Egyptians considered it a 'plant of immortality'. Keep one on your kitchen window. The cut flesh is a handy remedy for any burns or cuts.
  • Place your aloe in bright or indirect light, water well but let dry out in between watering. Water less during winter months.
  • Can't find an aloe vera plant where you live? Home Depot will ship one to your home.
Plants For Good Luck


  • Orchids are a classic symbol of fertility. Put a two stemmed pink orchid in relationship area – southwest corner of a room. Place a purple orchid in your wealth area. White orchids can be placed anywhere. The orchid is an enduring symbol of perfection. Place it where it will inspire you.
  • Orchids are epiphytes and naturally grow on trees and moss bark. They love humidity and prefer to not to be in a draft. Water lightly and let drain. Prefers bright light but not direct sun.

8. SNAKE PLANT – Sansevieria

  • The Snake plant is considered a good luck plant because it sucks up negative ions from electronics and helps remove toxins from the air. Use in the south, eastern or southeastern corners of your rooms. Avoid placing in bedrooms as leaves are considered 'sharp' not restful.
  • Sanseveria is one plant that doesn't like to be over-watered especially in winter. Takes bright to indirect lighting but is not fussy.
  • Although they're common, if you can't find a snake plant locally, Home Depot has several sizes to choose from that can ship directly to your home.


  • Orange, lemon or lime trees bring luck and good fortune to your home according to feng shui. Place the potted tree in your wealth area.
  • Citrus trees need full sun to pollinate and produce fruit. Here's how to grow a lime tree in a pot.
  • Look for citrus plants in the fall when they're in season. Home Depot has a Meyer lemon tree which would be my choice. Almost like a cross between an orange and lemon, it's got a luscious sweet taste that will give your recipes and drinks an extra kick!

Want to increase your wealth and bring healthy abundance into your home? Try bringing home a few of these incredible plants!

I'm really getting into my groove with nature lately. I can't stop remarking over beautiful flowers and the changing of the seasons, and anyone who has walked around Portland, L.A. or New York with me recently can attest to the fact that I am constantly stopping to take pictures of it all!

It's well-known that having plants in your home is as good for your health as your happiness, but up until recently, I've mostly bought cut flowers for my desk. I decided I wanted to upgrade and buy some plants to put in my office, but when I walked into my local garden centre, I was completely overwhelmed. I didn't know what was what, I didn't know how to take care of anything, and I didn't know if they would be suitable for a novice gardener like me!

Rather than buy something that I might immediately kill, I decided to come home and do a little research on great, easy-to-care-for plants that thrive indoors (since if you're anything like me, you live in an apartment with absolutely no outdoor space!). I've also chosen to focus on plants which bring good energy into your space. Why not kill two birds with one stone?!

Additionally, to help save you time and grief, I've supplied links to the plants on Amazon. I know this might sound bizarre, but I have bought several potted flowers through Amazon with fantastic results… So if you're nowhere near a garden centre, these links will help you out!

Bamboo is known for attracting joy and wealth. It offers protection and luck, can break hexes and grants wishes! Bamboo is said to help increase mental flexibility, aid in spiritual growth, help people to develop artistic talents, and encourages good health. If you're depressed, bamboo is a great plant to have in your home, as it can help you to feel less stuck.

P.S. Mystic Medusa wrote about bamboo yesterday!

Buy: This is a pretty and simple arrangement of Dracaena Sanderana. If you'd prefer a spiral display, this one comes in a circular vase, and is very popular (check out those reviews!).

Basil brings love, passion, wealth, luck and beauty to your home, and we could all use a little of that! If you grow your own basil and use it to flavour your food, it's said that you'll awaken passion in anyone who eats it. Ooh la la! Basil is known for being an antidepressant, antiseptic and antibacterial, too.

Plants for good luck money


  • Orchids are a classic symbol of fertility. Put a two stemmed pink orchid in relationship area – southwest corner of a room. Place a purple orchid in your wealth area. White orchids can be placed anywhere. The orchid is an enduring symbol of perfection. Place it where it will inspire you.
  • Orchids are epiphytes and naturally grow on trees and moss bark. They love humidity and prefer to not to be in a draft. Water lightly and let drain. Prefers bright light but not direct sun.

8. SNAKE PLANT – Sansevieria

  • The Snake plant is considered a good luck plant because it sucks up negative ions from electronics and helps remove toxins from the air. Use in the south, eastern or southeastern corners of your rooms. Avoid placing in bedrooms as leaves are considered 'sharp' not restful.
  • Sanseveria is one plant that doesn't like to be over-watered especially in winter. Takes bright to indirect lighting but is not fussy.
  • Although they're common, if you can't find a snake plant locally, Home Depot has several sizes to choose from that can ship directly to your home.


  • Orange, lemon or lime trees bring luck and good fortune to your home according to feng shui. Place the potted tree in your wealth area.
  • Citrus trees need full sun to pollinate and produce fruit. Here's how to grow a lime tree in a pot.
  • Look for citrus plants in the fall when they're in season. Home Depot has a Meyer lemon tree which would be my choice. Almost like a cross between an orange and lemon, it's got a luscious sweet taste that will give your recipes and drinks an extra kick!

Want to increase your wealth and bring healthy abundance into your home? Try bringing home a few of these incredible plants!

I'm really getting into my groove with nature lately. I can't stop remarking over beautiful flowers and the changing of the seasons, and anyone who has walked around Portland, L.A. or New York with me recently can attest to the fact that I am constantly stopping to take pictures of it all!

It's well-known that having plants in your home is as good for your health as your happiness, but up until recently, I've mostly bought cut flowers for my desk. I decided I wanted to upgrade and buy some plants to put in my office, but when I walked into my local garden centre, I was completely overwhelmed. I didn't know what was what, I didn't know how to take care of anything, and I didn't know if they would be suitable for a novice gardener like me!

Rather than buy something that I might immediately kill, I decided to come home and do a little research on great, easy-to-care-for plants that thrive indoors (since if you're anything like me, you live in an apartment with absolutely no outdoor space!). I've also chosen to focus on plants which bring good energy into your space. Why not kill two birds with one stone?!

Additionally, to help save you time and grief, I've supplied links to the plants on Amazon. I know this might sound bizarre, but I have bought several potted flowers through Amazon with fantastic results… So if you're nowhere near a garden centre, these links will help you out!

Bamboo is known for attracting joy and wealth. It offers protection and luck, can break hexes and grants wishes! Bamboo is said to help increase mental flexibility, aid in spiritual growth, help people to develop artistic talents, and encourages good health. If you're depressed, bamboo is a great plant to have in your home, as it can help you to feel less stuck.

P.S. Mystic Medusa wrote about bamboo yesterday!

Buy: This is a pretty and simple arrangement of Dracaena Sanderana. If you'd prefer a spiral display, this one comes in a circular vase, and is very popular (check out those reviews!).

Basil brings love, passion, wealth, luck and beauty to your home, and we could all use a little of that! If you grow your own basil and use it to flavour your food, it's said that you'll awaken passion in anyone who eats it. Ooh la la! Basil is known for being an antidepressant, antiseptic and antibacterial, too.

There is a lot to learn about the magical properties of basil!

Buy: You can get Profuma di Genova basil in a 3″ pot. You can also buy organic basil seeds if you'd prefer to do it yourself!

Honeysuckle brings money into your home and offers protection. Some people believe that crushing the flowers and placing them next to your forehead can boost psychic powers. The smell of honeysuckle sharpens your intuition, too. In addition to smelling absolutely incredible, honeysuckle also has a delicious edible nectar. When I was about 5 years old, it grew on a trellis up the side of my school. I remember eating it all the time!

If you're keen to know more, here is some additional info on honeysuckle's many uses!

Buy: This Hardy Favorite Hall's Honeysuckle Lonceria Japonica has a super-strong fragrance and is easy to grow. It grows well up a trellis or some other kind of support, so consider growing it up a wall!

Jasmine attracts love and money into your home, and encourages prophetic dreams! Jasmine oil is known for being one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs, so this is a fantastic plant for single babes or anyone wanting to keep the romance alive! Jasmine flowers are often worn by high priestesses. Incredibly, jasmine flowers open at night, which, to my mind, makes them even cooler.

Buy: The Arabian Tea jasmine plant in a 4″ pot is very fragrant and easy to grow.

As well as being bright and happy, lemons are a fantastic thing to have around the house! They symbolise purification and friendship, and it's said that if you wear diluted lemon oil during the full moon, it will help you attune with its energies. Plus, how great would it be to have your own lemons for making drinks and salad dressings?!

Apartment Therapy has a cool guide to growing lemon trees indoors. Here are some of the many uses of lemon.

Buy: Meyer lemons are the best kind — they're delicious, sweet, and easy to grow. Try this Meyer lemon tree in an 8″ pot!

Lavender is one of my favourite plants: it smells wonderful and is known for its mood-elevation and calming properties. A dab of lavender oil on your pillow will send you off to sleep in two seconds flat, it brings a sense of inner peace, and it's great for alleviating headaches. The scent of lavender is said to attract men, and will allegedly help you see ghosts… ! Either way, I think it's one of the most relaxing scents in existence.

There are a lot of different varieties of lavender with their own pros and cons, so do a little research before you take the plunge. Here are some tips on growing lavender indoors.

Buy:Munstead lavender is ideal for growing indoors. It comes in a 3″ pot, smells great, and grows quickly. You can also sow your own seeds if that's more your speed!

Miniature roses
Roses are said to have the highest vibration of all living things. Not too shabby, huh? They attract love, healing and luck, offer protection and healing, and help with divination of all kinds.

Full-size roses are a little ridiculous to grow inside, but miniature roses are quite hardy and just as beautiful (if not moreso!). It can be tricky to find a miniature rose plant, but I found some on Amazon (and they're gorgeous!). You can have them inside for a while, but eventually they will need to go outside for more sun. In a very New York twist, I'm going to put mine on the fire escape!

The colour of your rose has a meaning, too. White: Purifying and healing, positive energy. White with red details: Devotion and passion. Peach: Peace, spirituality and friendship. Pink: Romantic love, sweetness, fun and play. Fuchsia: A lust for life, radical self love, deep love and acceptance of your physical body. Lavender: Spirituality. Red: Passionate, deep, true love.

In terms of care, here is the dummies guide and some other tips for making the most of your miniature roses.

Buy: I adore these pink miniature roses in a good-lookin' pot. I think they'll do quite nicely!

Orchids are one of my favourite flowers, not only because they are beautiful, but also because they are so easy to take care of! Orchids represent love: they attract love, soothe the soul, and deepen friendships. The ancient Greeks associated orchids with fertility and virility, which makes them a great gift for new parents!

Buy: This bubblegum pink Phalaenopsis orchid is so sweet, but if you'd like to buy a few at once, here's an assortment of 5. (Some anonymous gem bought us 5 Phalaenopsis orchids as a wedding gift, and they are still thriving on our windowsills! They are so hardy and gorgeous.)

Rosemary increases your brain power, can help you get a good night's rest, and keep you youthful (well, so they say)! This herb attracts love and encourages lust, has properties of protection and purification, helps with healing, and can even be used in exorcisms. (I know, I know, a herb which helps with exorcisms is totally on your shopping list!)

One of the best things about rosemary is that you can snack on it whenever you please! It improves memory and mood, relieves pain and freshens your breath! Again, it's lovely because — just like basil — you can use it in your cooking. Here are 16 health benefits of rosemary!

Plants For Good Luck And Prosperity

Buy: This 17″ rosemary topiary is elegant and would look so great in a kitchen.

Sage is well-known for its qualities of protection. It also represents immortality, longevity, wisdom and the granting of wishes. How to bet craps at the casino. Of course, if you grow sage, you can make your own smudging sticks… And cook with it, too!

Buy: You can snap up a little 3″ pot of sage for under $5. Totally worth it!

Extra for experts
A guide to magickal herbs and flowers. Here are the properties of herbs and plants. Plants for the magickal household (a great list!). Here are 18 herbs for magical purposes.

House Plants For Good Luck

So… Do you feel inspired to bring some magical plants into your home and workspace? I'm looking at my newly-acquired bamboo and basil plants as we speak, and they make me feel so good! Even if you have a black thumb, these plants are easy to grow… I encourage you to give it a try!

Enjoying my newly green office,

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